Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Year...and I am feeling good!

It has been too long since I wrote an On Track blog. Perhaps the New Year ringing in has inspired me as many others to write a new page, not only here, but in my life as well. When people asked if I had a New Year's Resolution when I was younger I would think to myself, "Okay, this is your moment, come up with something BIG!" Then something like, "I am going to quit smoking!", would come out of my mouth. Yes, I know it is hard to imagine, I did smoke back in the day. You know what though? Big resolutions can lead to big results.

Resolutions are like goals. Without them we achieve status quo, with them we try to go the distance. If I had not stated that out load I would not have tried. Grant you, I had to state this a few times, however, the end result is that I quit smoking 23 years ago. I read something today in one of my morning readings that I would like to share with you since I feel it is so relative to ALL of us.
  • When I ask you what's your goal for your health in 2011? If you say, ‘I don't have one,’ then your goal is to stay the same.
  • When I ask you what's your goal in your relationships? If you say, ‘I don't have one,’ then your goal is for them not to get any better.
  • When I ask you what's your goal for your finances and getting out of debt? If you say, ‘I don't have one,’ then your goal is to stay in debt.
  • When I ask you what's your goal for your business career? If you say, ‘I don't have one,’ then your goal is to just drift along.
So, I challenge you to join me, take the opportunity to step out in faith and believe in the things to come, the things that you cannot yet see, and SEE them. It doesn't matter if anyone else sees these things, these new goals of yours. You have to be the change in your life that you want to see. Now go and dream big... and you WILL get closer.

***excerpt shared from Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

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